Test Series

Series are a collection of test runs.

class pavilion.series.TestSeries(pav_cfg, tests=None, _id=None, series_config=None, dep_graph=None, outfile: TextIO = <_io.StringIO object>, errfile: TextIO = <_io.StringIO object>)

Bases: object

Series are a well defined collection of tests, potentially with relationships, skip conditions, and other features by test set.

LOGGER_FMT = 'series({})'

Adds tests to existing series. :param test_objs: List of test objects :return: None


Goes through all test objects assigned to series and cancels tests that haven’t been completed.

create_dependency_graph() → Optional[Dict[KT, VT]]

Create the dependency graph. Order is either explicit (through before and after) or implicit through the ‘ordered’ option.


Create doubly linked list of TestSets and applies hosts and modes to them

classmethod from_id(pav_cfg, sid: str, outfile: TextIO = <_io.StringIO object>, errfile: TextIO = <_io.StringIO object>)

Load a series object from the given id, along with all of its associated tests.

Raises:TestSeriesError – From invalid series id or path.

Returns list of tests that have states of either SCHEDULED or RUNNING.

static get_pgid(pav_cfg, id_)

Returns pgid of series if it exists.


Load a series object from the given id, along with the config and dependency tree.


Runs series.


Run pav _series in background using subprocess module.

run_tests(wait: Union[None, int] = None, tests: List[pavilion.test_run.TestRun] = None) → int

Run the tests for this test series.

  • wait (int) – Wait this long for a test to start before exiting.
  • tests – Manually specified list of tests to run. Defaults to the series’ test list.

A return code based on the success of this action.


Write dependency tree and config in series dir

save_series_config() → None

Saves series config to a file.

series_test_handler(finished, started, waiting)

Loops through all current sets, calls necessary functions, and updates lists as necessary.


Return the series id as a string, with an ‘s’ in the front to differentiate it from test ids.

classmethod sid_to_id(sid: str) → int

Convert a sid string to a numeric series id.

Raises:TestSeriesError – On an invalid sid.

Return the unix timestamp for this series, based on the last modified date for the test directory.

update_finished_list(finished, started)

Updates finished and started lists if necessary.

class pavilion.series.TestSet(pav_cfg, name: str, tests: List[str], modes: List[str], host: str, only_if: Dict[str, List[str]], not_if: Dict[str, List[str]], series_obj: pavilion.series.TestSeries)

Bases: object

Class describes a set of tests.

LOGGER_FMT = 'series({})'

Returns True if all the tests in the set are completed.


Goes through all the tests assigned to set and kills tests.


Runs tests in set.


Procedure to skip tests.


Returns when the number of tests running is less than or equal to the number of tests that can run or be scheduled simultaneously, if the simultaneous parameter is set.