Expression Function Plugins

Expression Functions are plugins that define the functions that can be used in Pavilion expressions, both within normal Pavilion strings and in result evaluations.

pavilion.expression_functions.get_plugin(name: str) → pavilion.expression_functions.base.FunctionPlugin

Get the function plugin called ‘name’.


Return the list of function plugin names.


Find all the core function plugins and activate them.

FunctionPlugin Base Classes

Contains the base Expression Function plugin class.


Return val as an int, float, or bool, depending on what it most closely resembles.

class pavilion.expression_functions.base.FunctionPlugin(name, arg_specs, description=None, priority=10)

Bases: yapsy.IPlugin.IPlugin

Plugin base class for math functions.

Child classes must override __init__ (as is typical for Pavilion plugin), and must also provide a method to act as the function itself. This method must have the same name as the plugin (ie. The ‘max’ plugin must have a ‘max’ method), and take the arguments the function expects.

VALID_SPEC_TYPES = (<class 'int'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'bool'>, <function num>, None)
NAME_RE = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')
core = False

The path to the file containing this result parser plugin.


Generate a function signature for this function. :newlines: Put each argument on a separate line.


Return the docstring for the function.


Yapsy runs this when adding the plugin. Add our plugin to the registry of function plugins.


Yapsy runs this when removing the plugin. Plugins will only be removed by unit tests.


Find all the core function plugins and activate them.

Core Function Plugins

Contains the base expression plugins in a single module to speed Pavilion loading.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.AllPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Return whether all of the items in the given list are true.

static all(items)

Just use the built-in all function.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.AnyPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Return whether any of the items in the given list are true.

static any(items)

Just use the built-in any function.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.AvgPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Get the average of the given numbers.

static avg(vals)

Get the average of vals. Will always return a float.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.CeilPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Get the integer ceiling of the given number.

static ceil(val)

Round the given number up to the nearest int.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin(name, arg_specs, description=None)

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.base.FunctionPlugin

A function plugin that sets defaults for core plugins. Use when adding additional function plugins to the core_functions module. Classes that inherit from this will automatically be added as function plugins. If adding non-core functions, use the standard plugin mechanisms.

core = True
class pavilion.expression_functions.core.FloorPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Get the floor of the given number.

static floor(val)

Round the given number down to the nearest int.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.IntPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Convert integer strings to ints of arbitrary bases.

static int(value, base)

Convert the given string ‘value’ as an integer of the given base. Bases from 2-32 are allowed.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.KeysPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Return the keys of a given dict.

static keys(arg)

Return a (sorted) list of keys for the given dictionary.

signature = 'keys(dict)'
class pavilion.expression_functions.core.LenPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Return the length of the given item, where item can be a string, list, or dict.

static len(arg)

Just return the length of the argument.

signature = 'len(list|dict|str)'
class pavilion.expression_functions.core.Outliers

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Calculate outliers given a list of values and a separate list of their associated names. The lists should be the same length, and in matching order (which Pavilion should generally guarantee). A value is flagged as an outlier if it is more than ‘limit’ standard deviations from the mean of the values.

Produces a dict of name -> (val - mean)/stddev for only those values flagged as outliers.

Ex: ‘bad_nodes: ‘outliers(n.*.speed, keys(n), 2.0)` This would find any nodes with a speed more than 2.0 std deviations from the mean.

static outliers(values: List[pavilion.expression_functions.base.num], names: List[str], limit: float)

Create the outlier dict.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.RandomPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Return a random number in [0,1).

static random()

Return a random float in [0,1).

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.RegexSearch

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Search for the given regular expression. Returns the matched text or, if a matching group (limit 1) was used, the matched group. Returns an empty string on no match. Regexes use Python’s regex syntax.

Search for the given regex in data.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.Replace

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Replace substrings from a given string.

static replace(string: str, find: str, replacement: str)

Replace all instances of ‘find’ with ‘replacement’ in ‘string’.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.RoundPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Round the given number to the nearest integer.

static round(val: float)

Round the given number to the nearest int.

class pavilion.expression_functions.core.SumPlugin

Bases: pavilion.expression_functions.core.CoreFunctionPlugin

Get the floating point sum of the given numbers.

static sum(vals)

Get the sum of the given numbers. Will return an int if all arguments are ints, otherwise returns a float.