
Command Output

pavilion.output.fprint(*args, color=None, bullet='', width=0, wrap_indent=0, sep=' ', file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, end='\n', flush=False, clear=False)

Print with automatic wrapping, bullets, and other features. Also accepts all print() kwargs.

  • args – Standard print function args
  • color (int) – ANSI color code to print with.
  • bullet (str) – Print the first line with this ‘bullet’ string, and the following lines indented to match.
  • sep (str) – The standard print sep argument.
  • file – Stream to print.
  • wrap_indent (int) – Indent lines (after the first) this number of spaces for each paragraph.
  • width (Union[int,None]) – Wrap the text to this width. If 0, find the terminal’s width and wrap to that.
  • end (str) – String appended after the last value (default n)
  • flush (bool) – Whether to forcibly flush the stream.
  • clear (bool) – Perform a ‘clear_line’ before printing.
pavilion.output.draw_table(outfile, fields, rows, field_info=None, border=False, pad=True, border_chars=None, header=True, title=None, table_width=None)

Prints a table from the given data, dynamically setting the column width.

  • outfile – The file-like object to write to.
  • fields (list) – A list of the fields to include, in the given order. These also serve as the default column titles (Capitalized).
  • rows (list(dict)) – A list of data dictionaries. A None may be included to denote that a horizontal line row should be inserted.
  • field_info (dict) –
    Should be a dictionary of field names (all of
    which are optional) where the value is a dict of:
    • title - The column header for this field. Defaults to the field name, capitalized.
    • transform - a function that takes the field value, transforms it in some way, and returns the result to be inserted into the table.
    • format - a format string in the new style format syntax. It will expect the data for that row as arg 0. IE: ‘{0:2.2f}%’.
    • default - A default value for the field. A blank is printed by default.
    • no_wrap - a boolean that determines if a field will be wrapped or not.
    • max_width - the max width for a given field.
    • min_width - the min width for a given field.
  • border (bool) – Put a border around the table. Defaults False.
  • header (bool) – Print a header row of column names followed by a horizontal seperator. Defaults to True.
  • pad (bool) – Put a space on either side of each header and row entry. Default True.
  • border_chars (dict) – A dictionary of characters for drawing the table borders and separators. Expects the keys ‘vsep’, ‘hsep’, ‘isep’. By default these are ‘|’, ‘-‘, and ‘+’.
  • title (str) – Add the given title above the table. Default None
  • table_width (int) – By default size table to the terminal width. If set size the table to this width instead.



A simple table:

from pavilion import utils

# The table data is expected as a list of dictionaries with identical keys.
# Not all dictionary fields will necessarily be used. Commands will
# typically generate the rows dynamically...
rows = [
    {'color': 'BLACK',  'code': 30, 'usage': 'Default'},
    {'color': 'RED',    'code': 31, 'usage': 'Fatal Errors'},
    {'color': 'GREEN',  'code': 32, 'usage': 'Warnings'},
    {'color': 'YELLOW', 'code': 33, 'usage': 'Discouraged'},
    {'color': 'BLUE',   'code': 34, 'usage': 'Info'}
# The data columns to print (and their default column labels).
columns = ['color', 'usage']


# Produces a table like this:
#  Color  | Usage
# --------+--------------
#  BLACK  | Default
#  RED    | Fatal Errors
#  GREEN  | Warnings
#  YELLOW | Discouraged
#  BLUE   | Info

A more complicated example:

from pavilion import utils
import sys

rows = [
    {'color': 'BLACK',   'code': 30, 'usage': 'Default'},
    {'color': 'RED',     'code': 31, 'usage': 'Fatal Errors'},
    {'color': 'GREEN',   'code': 32, 'usage': 'Warnings'},
    {'color': 'YELLOW',  'code': 33, 'usage': 'Discouraged'},
    {'color': 'BLUE',    'code': 34, 'usage': 'Info'},
    {'color': 'CYAN',    'code': 35},
    {'color': 'MAGENTA', 'code': 36},


columns = ['color', 'code', 'usage']
field_info = {
    # Colorize the color column with a transform function.
    'color': {
        'transform': lambda t: utils.ANSIString(t, utils.COLORS.get(t)),
    # Format and add a better column header to the 'code' column.
    'code': {
        'title': 'ANSI Code',
        'format': '0x{0:x}',
    # Put in a default for our missing usage values.
    # (The default is just to leave the column empty.)
    'usage': {
        'default': 'Whatever you want.'

    # Add a border. Why not?
    # No padding between the data and column seperators.
    title="A Demo Table."

# Produces a table like this (plus with the color names in color):
# +-------+---------+------------------+
# | A Demo Table.                      |
# +-------+---------+------------------+
# |Color  |ANSI Code|Usage             |
# +-------+---------+------------------+
# |BLACK  |0x1e     |Default           |
# |RED    |0x1f     |Fatal Errors      |
# |GREEN  |0x20     |Warnings          |
# |YELLOW |0x21     |Discouraged       |
# |BLUE   |0x22     |Info              |
# |CYAN   |0x23     |Whatever you want.|
# |MAGENTA|0x24     |Whatever you want.|
# +-------+---------+------------------+
pavilion.output.dbg_print(*args, color=33, file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, end='', pformat=True, **kwargs)

A colored print statement for debug printing. Use when you want to print dbg statements and easily excise it later.

  • file – The file object to write to.
  • end – Default the ending to no newline (we do a pre-newline because of how unittest prints stuff.
  • color (int) – ANSI color code to print the string under.
  • pformat (bool) – Automatically apply pprint.pformat to args that are dicts or lists.
  • kwargs – Also accepts all print() kwargs.

Colorized Output

Both fprint() and dbg_print above take a ‘color’ argument, which allows you to colorize the output.


Available colors.

class pavilion.output.ANSIString(data, code=None)

Create a string with an implicit ANSI display mode. The ansi code will be used when the string is formatted.

hello = ANSIStr(“Hello World”, utils.RED) print(hello)

ivar data:The raw string data.

Return the string wrapped in the appropriate ANSI escapes.


Wrap the text as with textwrap, but return ANSIString objects with the same ANSI code applied.

JSON Output

pavilion.output.json_dump(obj, file, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, indent=None, separators=None, default=None, sort_keys=False, **kw)

Dump data to string as per the json dumps function, but using our custom encoder.