Test Results

Every successful test run generates a set of results in JSON. These are saved with the test, but are also logged to a central results.log file that is formatted in a Splunk compatible manner.

This page offers top level documentation on the working of this system. For an overview how to use all the features, see Extracting Results Tutorial.

Result Logs

There are three different result logs:

per-test-run results json

The result json is written to a file named results.json in the test run directory. This is used to recall results from test runs.

per-test-run result log

This results log records every step of the results gathering process in great detail. It is stored in each test run directory in results.log, and is available via the pav log results <test_id> command.

Pavilion-wide result log

The general result log keeps a record of the results of every test run under your instance of Pavilion. It’s location is configured via the general pavilion.yaml config, but defaults to residing in the working directory. It’s format is designed to be easily read by Splunk and similar tools.

Gathering Results

Result gathering steps:

  1. Generate the base result field values.
  2. Use result parser plugins to parse values from result files.
  3. Use result evaluations to modify results or generate additional values.
  4. Convert the ‘result’ key from True/False to ‘PASS’/’FAIL’.

All results are stored in a json mapping that looks like this:

{"avg_speed": 3.7999,
 "command_test": "PASS",
 "created": "2020-07-06 15:28:08.528899",
 "duration": "0:00:06.130584",
 "finished": "2020-07-06 15:28:08.528617",
 "id": 16176,
 "job_id": "123",
 "name": "mytests.base",
 "pav_result_errors": [],
 "result": "PASS",
 "return_value": 0,
 "sched": {"avail_mem": "80445",
           "cpus": "36",
           "free_mem": "76261",
           "min_cpus": "36",
           "min_mem": "131933.144",
           "total_mem": "125821"},
 "started": "2020-07-06 15:28:02.398033",
 "sys_name": "pav-test",
 "per_file": {
    "node01": {"raw_speed": 33},
    "node03": {"raw_speed": 39},
    "node05": {"raw_speed": 42}
 "user": "bob"}
  • Most values are stored at the top level of the mapping.
  • Most scheduler variables are included, to improve tracking of how exactly the test ran.
  • pav_result_errors stores a list of errors encountered when gathering results.
  • The ‘per_file’ section stores information gathered across multiple results files This can be used to gather separate per-node information in cases where you have an output file for each node when using result parsers.
  • Average speed in this case is a value calculated from each of the node speeds using result evaluations.
  • The flatten_results key in the pavilion.log file can be used to convert results with multiple per_file results into a corresponding number of separate log entries.

Basic Result Keys

These keys are present in the results for every test, whether the test passed or failed. To see the latest list of base result values, run pav show result_base. All of these keys, as well as ‘result’, are reserved.

$ pav show result_base
 Name              | Doc
 name              | The test run name
 id                | The test run id
 created           | When the test was created.
 started           | When the test run itself started.
 finished          | When the test run finished.
 duration          | Duration of the test run (finished - started)
 user              | The user that started the test.
 job_id            | The scheduler plugin's jobid for the test.
 sched             | Most of the scheduler variables.
 sys_name          | The system name '{{sys.sys_name}}'
 pav_result_errors | Errors from processing results.
 per_file          | Per filename results.
 return_value      | The return value of run.sh

All time fields are in ISO8601 format.

Additionally, the ‘file’ key is reserved.


If an error occurs when parsing results that can be recovered from, a description of the error is recorded under the error key. Each of these is a dictionary with some useful values:

  "errors": [{
    # The error happened under this parser.
    "result_parser": "regex",
    # The file being processed.
    "file": "node3.out",
    # The key being processed
    "key": "hugetlb",
    "msg": "Error reading file 'node3.out': Permission error"

The Test Result

The ‘result’ key denotes the final test result, and will always be either ‘PASS’, ‘FAIL’ or ‘ERROR’. ERROR in this case means the test had a non-recoverable error when checking whether the test passed or failed.

You can set the ‘result’ using either result parsers or result evaluations. It must be set as a single True or False value.

  • For result parsers, this means you should use an ‘action’ of ‘store_true’ (the default) or ‘store_false’ (See Actions). You will also need to use a ‘per_file’ setting that produces a single value, like ‘first’ or ‘all’ (See per_file: Manipulating Multiple File Results).
  • For result evaluations this simply means ensuring that the evaluation returns a boolean, typically by way of a comparison operator.

If you don’t set the ‘result’ key yourself, Pavilion defaults to adding the evaluation: result: 'return_value == 0'. This is why, by default, Pavilion test runs PASS if the run script returns 0.