Skip Conditions

Conditional skip statements allow for tests suites to have tests that target specific architectures, machines, or Pavilion variables. By using conditional statements users can have one large test suite that can run across all systems. If a user has a test that is specific to a unique architecture, say aarm64, they can simply add only_if: {"{{sys_arch}}": 'aarm64'}. The test will only run when that condition is met.


Tests run “only_if” each of the conditions in the “only_if” config section match. They are otherwise assigned the status of SKIPPED:

    # This basic test has two keys to resolve under only_if.
    # Both 'user' and 'weekday' need to match in order to run the test.
        # This test will run if the user is calvin
        "{{user}}": ['calvin']
        # This test also needs the weekday to be MWF to run.
        "{{weekday}}": ['Monday', 'Wednesday', 'Friday']

Deferred Variables

Deferred variables are allowed in the only_if and not_if sections. Such conditions won’t be evaluated until after the test is granted an allocation, so a test may only be SKIPPED right before it starts to run on an allocation. For additional information see Deferred Variables.


Not_if differs from only_if by checking if one conditional match can be found. If a match is found the test is assigned the status of SKIPPED:

    # This basic test resolves two keys under not_if.
        # This test will be skipped if 'sys_os' is windows.
        "{{sys_os}}": ['windows']
        # This test will be skipped if 'user' is calvin or nick.
        "{{user}}": ['calvin', 'nick']


The keys in the only_if and not_if sections can contain Pavilion variable references (unlike keys in the rest of Pavilion test configs). You can even have keys that reference multiple variables and static characters such as: “Lunix-{{sys_os}} {{user}}”. More on Pavilion Test Variables.

Regex in Conditional Skips

Values given in conditional skip sections are interpreted as a regex patterns. The regex value must FULLY match the key associated with it:

    # In this example we see keys accepting regex patterns.
        # This test will run if the user is a lowercase [a-z] word.
        "{{user}}": ['^[a-z]+$']
        # This test will only run if the 'sys_os' is linux.
        # Pavilion keys must be fully matched by the regex.
        "{{sys_os}}": ['linux']