
Scheduler Module

Scheduler Plugin Class

class pavilion.schedulers.SchedulerPlugin(name, description, priority=0)

Bases: yapsy.IPlugin.IPlugin

The base scheduler plugin class. Scheduler plugins should inherit from this.


If the kickoff script requires a special filename, set it here.


The class to use when generating headers for kickoff scripts.

alias of KickoffScriptHeader

NODE_SELECTION = {'contiguous': <function contiguous>, 'distributed': <function distributed>, 'rand_dist': <function rand_dist>, 'random': <function random>}
SCHED_DATA_FN = 'sched_data.txt'

This file holds scheduler data for a test, so that it doesn’t have to be regenerated.


alias of pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

__init__(name, description, priority=0)

Scheduler plugin that is expected to be overriden by subclasses. The plugin will populate a set of expected ‘sched’ variables.

__module__ = 'pavilion.schedulers.scheduler'
static _add_schedule_script_body(script, test)

Add the script body to the given script object. This default simply adds a comment and the test run command.

_available() → bool

Return true if this scheduler is available on this system, false otherwise.

static _calc_node_range(sched_config, node_count) → Tuple[int, int]

Calculate a node range for the job given the min_nodes and nodes, and the number of nodes available (for percentages. Returns the calculated min and max.

_create_kickoff_script_stub(pav_cfg, job_name: str, log_path: pathlib.Path, sched_config: dict, picked_nodes: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → pavilion.scriptcomposer.ScriptComposer

Generate the kickoff script essentials preamble common to all scheduled tests.

_get_alloc_nodes(job: → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Given that this is running on an allocation, return the allocation’s node list.

Parameters:job – The Job is passed in case a scheduler saved node information with the job. Usually not needed.
_get_config_elems() → Tuple[List[yaml_config.elements.ConfigElement], dict, dict]

Return the configuration elements specific to this scheduler, along with a dictionary of validation functions and defaults.

The configuration elements will configurable under schedule.<plugin_name> in test configs, where <plugin_name> is the name argument passed to the plugin’s __init__ method. This should be a list of yaml_config ConfigElement instances. This additional configuration can have any structure you like, but should not repeat general schedule options.

The second return should be a dict of validators for those elements, the keys being the config element’s name. If a validator is not present, the value will not be added to the dict of validated config values for the scheduler to use. The values should be one of the following:

  • A tuple of all accepted values. Values not in this tuple are an error.
  • A function that takes the raw value (including None), and returns a validated/transformed result. Should raise ValueError for invalid input, and return None if no value was given.
  • A dictionary of additional validators to recursively evaluate. This is used when value is itself a dictionary.

The third returned value should be a dictionary of defaults for each key. Like with the validators, a dictionary can be used to store another level of defaults for when the config key represents a dictionary. Defaults are optional, but keys without a default will have a None value.

These will all be dynamically added and removed from the configuration setup in schedulers.config as plugins are added/removed. For examples, see the slurm plugin or the schedulers.config module itself.

_get_initial_vars(sched_config: dict) → pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

Return the deferred scheduler variable object for the given scheduler config.

_get_kickoff_script_header(job_name: str, sched_config: dict, nodes: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → pavilion.schedulers.scheduler.KickoffScriptHeader

Get a script header object for the kickoff script.

_job_status(pav_cfg, job_info: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → Optional[pavilion.status_file.TestStatusInfo]

Override this to provide job status information given a job_info dict. The format of the job_info is scheduler dependent, and produced in the kickoff method. This can, optionally, set the job status for all jobs it can at once in the _job_statuses dict, which would greatly reduce the number of calls to the scheduler. It will only be called if a status hasn’t been recently cached.

It should return a TestStatusInfo object with one of these states:

  • SCHEDULED - The job is still waiting for an allocation.
  • SCHED_ERROR - The job is dead because of some error.
  • SCHED_CANCELLED - The job was cancelled.
  • SCHED_RUNNING - The job is running (but not usually the test yet).

Lastly, this may return None when we can’t determine the test state at all. This typically happens when job id’s don’t stick around after a test finishes, so we don’t have any information on it. This isn’t an error - more like a shrug.

_kickoff(pav_cfg, job:, sched_config: dict) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Schedule the test under this scheduler.

  • pav_cfg – The pavilion config.
  • job – The job to kick off.
  • sched_config – The scheduler configuration for this test or group of tests.

The job info of the kicked off job.


Add this plugin to the scheduler plugin list.

available() → bool

Returns true if this scheduler is available on this host.

cancel(job_info: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → Optional[str]

Do your best to cancel the given job.

Returns:None, or a message stating why the job couldn’t be cancelled.

Remove this plugin from the scheduler plugin list.

get_conf() → Tuple[Optional[yaml_config.structures.KeyedElem], dict, dict]

Return the configuration object suitable for adding scheduler specific keys under ‘scheduler.<scheduler_name> in the test configuration.

get_final_vars(test: pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun) → pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

Get the final, non-deferred scheduler variables for a test. This should only be called within an allocation.

get_initial_vars(raw_sched_config: dict) → pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

Queries the scheduler to auto-detect its current state, and returns the dictionary of scheduler variables for that test given its config.

Parameters:raw_sched_config – The raw scheduler config for a given test.
Returns:A tuple of the scheduler variables object and the node_list_id, which should be saved as part of the test config.
job_status(pav_cfg, test) → pavilion.status_file.TestStatusInfo

Get the job state from the scheduler, and map it to one of the of the following states: SCHEDULED, SCHED_ERROR, SCHED_CANCELLED, SCHED_RUNNING. This should only be called if the current recorded test state is ‘SCHEDULED’.

The first SCHED_ERROR and SCHED_CANCELLED statuses encountered will be saved to the test status file, Other statuses are never saved. The test will also be set as complete in this case.


A StatusInfo object representing the status.


Find and activate all builtin plugins.

schedule_tests(pav_cfg, tests: List[pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun])

Schedule each test using this scheduler.

Scheduler Plugin Basic Class

class pavilion.schedulers.SchedulerPluginBasic(name, description, priority=0)

Bases: pavilion.schedulers.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin, abc.ABC

A Scheduler plugin that does not support automatic node inventories. It relies on manually set parameters in ‘schedule.cluster_info’.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset()
__module__ = 'pavilion.schedulers.basic'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_get_alloc_node_info(node_name) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Given that this is running on an allocation, get information about the given node. While this is completely optional, it can help pavilion better populate variables like ‘test_min_cpus’ and ‘test_min_mem’.

_get_initial_vars(sched_config: dict) → pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

Get the initial variables for the basic scheduler.

get_final_vars(test: pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun) → pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

Gather node information from within the allocation.

schedule_tests(pav_cfg, tests: List[pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun])

Schedule each test independently.

Scheduler Plugin Advanced Class

class pavilion.schedulers.SchedulerPluginAdvanced(name, description, priority=10)

Bases: pavilion.schedulers.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin, abc.ABC

A scheduler plugin that supports automatic node inventories, and as a consequence chunking and other advanced features.

ALLOC_ACQUIRE_OPTIONS = ['partition', 'reservation', 'account', 'qos']
__abstractmethods__ = frozenset()
__init__(name, description, priority=10)

Initialize tracking of node info and chunks, in addition to the basics.

__module__ = 'pavilion.schedulers.advanced'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_filter_custom(sched_config: dict, node_name: str, node: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → Union[None, str]

Apply scheduler specific filters to the node list. Returns a reason why the node should be filtered out, or None if it shouldn’t be.

_filter_nodes(sched_config: Dict[str, Any]) → Tuple[NewType.<locals>.new_type, Dict[str, List[str]]]

Filter the system nodes down to just those we can use. This should check to make sure the nodes available are compatible with the test. The arguments for this function will vary by scheduler.

Returns:A list of compatible node names.
Return type:list
_get_chunks(node_list_id, sched_config) → List[NewType.<locals>.new_type]

Chunking is specific to the node list, chunk size, and node selection settings of a job. The actual chunk used by a test_run won’t be known until after the test is at least partially resolved, however. Until then, it only knows what chunks are available.

This method retrieves or creates a list of ChunkInfo objects, and returns it.

_get_initial_vars(sched_config: dict) → pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

Get initial variables (and chunks) for this scheduler.

_get_raw_node_data(sched_config) → Tuple[List[Any], Any]

Get the raw data for the nodes on the current cluster/host.

Returns:A list of raw data for each node (to be processed by _transform_raw_node_data, and an object (of any type) of data that applies to every node.
_get_system_inventory(sched_config: dict) → Optional[NewType.<locals>.new_type]

Returns a dictionary of node data, or None if the scheduler does not support node data acquisition.

_schedule_chunk(pav_cfg, chunk: NewType.<locals>.new_type, tests: List[pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun], sched_configs: Dict[str, dict])
_schedule_flex_chunk(pav_cfg, tests: List[pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun], sched_configs: Dict[str, dict], chunk: NewType.<locals>.new_type)

Schedule tests in an individualized chunk that doesn’t actually use chunking, leaving the node picking to the scheduler.

_schedule_indi_chunk(pav_cfg, tests: List[pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun], sched_configs: Dict[str, dict], chunk: NewType.<locals>.new_type)

Schedule tests individually under the given chunk. Unlike with flex scheduling, we distribute the jobs across nodes manually.

_schedule_shared_chunk(pav_cfg, tests: List[pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun], node_range: NewType.<locals>.new_type, sched_configs: Dict[str, dict], chunk: NewType.<locals>.new_type)

Scheduler tests in a shared chunk.

_transform_raw_node_data(sched_config, node_data, extra) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Transform the raw node data into a node info dictionary. Not all keys are required, but you must provide enough information to filter out nodes that can’t be used or to differentiate nodes that can’t be used together. You may return additional keys, typically to use with scheduler specific filter parameters.

Base supported keys: # Node Name (required)

  • name - The name of the node (from the scheduler’s perspective)

# Node Status - (required)

  • up (bool) - Whether the node is up (allocatable).
  • available (bool) - Whether the node is allocatable and unallocated.

# Informational

  • cpus - The number of CPUs on the node.
  • mem - The node memory in GB

# Partitions - this information is used to separate nodes into groups that # can be allocated together. If this information is lacking, Pavilion will # attempt to create allocations that aren’t possible on a system, such as # across partitions.

  • partitions (List) - The cluster partitions on which the node resides.
  • reservations (List) - List of reservations to which the node belongs.
  • features (List[str]) - A list of feature tags that differentiate nodes,
    typically on heterogeneous systems.
get_final_vars(test: pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun) → pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

Load our saved node data from kickoff time, and compute the final scheduler variables from that.

schedule_tests(pav_cfg, tests: List[pavilion.test_run.test_run.TestRun])

Schedule each of the given tests using this scheduler using a separate allocation (if applicable) for each.


Scheduler Variables

class pavilion.schedulers.SchedulerVariables(sched_config: dict, nodes: NewType.<locals>.new_type = None, chunks: List[NewType.<locals>.new_type] = None, node_list_id: int = None, deferred=True)

Bases: pavilion.var_dict.VarDict

The base scheduler variables class. Each scheduler should have a child class of this that contains all the variable functions it provides.

To add a scheduler variable, create a method and decorate it with either @sched_var or @dfr_sched_var(). The method name will be the variable name, and the method will be called to resolve the variable value. Methods that start with ‘_’ are ignored.

Naming Conventions:

Variable names should be prefixed with ‘alloc_’ if they are deferred.
Variable names prefixed with test denote that the variable is specific to a test. These also tend to be deferred.

Each scheduler variable class should provide an example set of values for itself to display when using ‘pav show’ to list the variables. These are easily obtained by running a test under the scheduler, and then harvesting the results of the test run.

EXAMPLE = {'chunk_ids': ['0', '1', '2', '3'], 'errors': ['oh no, there was an error.'], 'node_list': ['node01', 'node03', 'node04'], 'tasks_per_node': '5', 'tasks_total': '180', 'test_min_cpus': '4', 'test_min_mem': '32', 'test_node_list': ['node02', 'node04'], 'test_nodes': '45'}
NO_EXAMPLE = '<no example>'
__abstractmethods__ = frozenset()
__init__(sched_config: dict, nodes: NewType.<locals>.new_type = None, chunks: List[NewType.<locals>.new_type] = None, node_list_id: int = None, deferred=True)

Initialize the scheduler var dictionary. This will be initialized when preliminary variables are gathered vs when it is no longer deferred. Initial variables are based on the full node list and then given list of chunks. For deferred variables, however, the nodes only contain those nodes that are part of the actual allocation. ‘chunks’ is not given in this case.

  • nodes – The dict of node names to node data. If None, will default to an empty dict.
  • sched_config – The scheduler configuration for the corresponding test.
  • chunks – The list of chunks, each of which is a list of node names. If None, will default to an empty list.
  • node_list_id – Should always be included when chunks is included. Provides the scheduler with a way to recover the original node list that was chunked without having to store it.
  • deferred – Whether the variables are deferred.
__module__ = 'pavilion.schedulers.vars'

Return repr(self).

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_get_min(nodes: List[NewType.<locals>.new_type], attr: str, default: int)

Get the minimum of the given attribute across the list of nodes, settling for the cluster_info value, and then the default.


A list of indices of the available chunks.


Get the info dict for the given key, and add the example to it.


Get a minimum number of cpus available on each (filtered) noded. Defaults to 1 if unknown.


Get a minimum for any node across each (filtered) nodes. Returns a value in bytes (4 GB if unknown).

node_list() → NewType.<locals>.new_type

The list of node names on the system. If the scheduler supports auto-detection, will be the filtered list. This list will otherwise be empty.


Return the node list id, if available. This is meaningless to test configs, but is used internally by Pavilion.

nodes() → int

The number of nodes available on the system. If the scheduler supports auto-detection, this will be the filtered count of nodes. Otherwise, this will be the ‘cluster_info.node_count’ value, or 1 if that isn’t set.

tasks_per_node() → int

The number of tasks to create per node. If the scheduler does not support node info, just returns 1.


Total tasks to create, based on number of nodes actually acquired.


The command to prepend to a line to kick it off under the scheduler. This is blank by default, but most schedulers will want to define something that utilizes relevant scheduler parameters.


The min cpus for each node in the chunk. Defaults to 1 if no info is available.


The min memory for each node in the chunk in bytes. Defaults to 4 GB if no info is available.

test_node_list() → NewType.<locals>.new_type

The list of nodes by name allocated for this test. Note that more nodes than this may exist in the allocation.

test_nodes() → int

The number of nodes for this specific test, determined once the test has an allocation. Note that the allocation size may be larger than this number.

Scheduler Plugins


Slurm Variables

class pavilion.schedulers.plugins.slurm.SlurmVars(sched_config: dict, nodes: NewType.<locals>.new_type = None, chunks: List[NewType.<locals>.new_type] = None, node_list_id: int = None, deferred=True)

Bases: pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

Scheduler variables for the Slurm scheduler.

EXAMPLE = {'chunk_ids': ['0', '1', '2', '3'], 'errors': ['oh no, there was an error.'], 'node_list': ['node01', 'node03', 'node04'], 'tasks_per_node': '5', 'tasks_total': '180', 'test_cmd': 'srun -N 5 -w node[05-10],node23 -n 20', 'test_min_cpus': '4', 'test_min_mem': '32', 'test_node_list': ['node02', 'node04'], 'test_nodes': '45'}

Construct a cmd to run a process under this scheduler, with the criteria specified by this test.

Slurm Scheduler Plugin

class pavilion.schedulers.plugins.slurm.SbatchHeader(job_name: str, sched_config: dict, nodes: Union[NewType.<locals>.new_type, Tuple[int, int]])

Bases: pavilion.schedulers.scheduler.KickoffScriptHeader

Provides header information specific to sbatch files for the slurm kickoff script.

__module__ = 'pavilion.schedulers.plugins.slurm'
_kickoff_lines() → List[str]

Get the sbatch header lines.

class pavilion.schedulers.plugins.slurm.Slurm

Bases: pavilion.schedulers.advanced.SchedulerPluginAdvanced

Schedule tests with Slurm!

ALLOC_ACQUIRE_OPTIONS = ['partition', 'reservation', 'account', 'qos', 'slurm.sbatch_extra', 'slurm.features']

alias of SbatchHeader

MPIRUN_BIND_OPTS = ('slot', 'hwthread', 'core', 'L1cache', 'L2cache', 'L3cache', 'socket', 'numa', 'board', 'node')
MPI_CMD_MPIRUN = 'mpirun'
MPI_CMD_OPTIONS = ('srun', 'mpirun')
MPI_CMD_SRUN = 'srun'
NODE_BRACKET_FORMAT_RE = re.compile('([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_-]*\\d*)\\[(.*)]')
NODE_LIST_RE = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_-]*\\d*(?:\\[(?:\\d+|\\d+-\\d+)(?:,\\d+|,\\d+-\\d+)*\\])?(?:,[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_-]*\\d*(?:\\[(?:\\d+|\\d+-\\d+)(?:,\\d+|,\\d+-\\d+)*\\])?)*$')
NODE_SEQ_REGEX_STR = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_-]*\\d*(?:\\[(?:\\d+|\\d+-\\d+)(?:,\\d+|,\\d+-\\d+)*\\])?'
SCONTROL_KEY_RE = re.compile('(?:^|\\s+)([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:/]*)=')
SCONTROL_WS_RE = re.compile('\\s+')

alias of SlurmVars

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset()

Initialize tracking of node info and chunks, in addition to the basics.

__module__ = 'pavilion.schedulers.plugins.slurm'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_available() → bool

Looks for several slurm commands, and tests slurm can talk to the slurm db.

_filter_custom(sched_config: dict, node_name: str, node: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → Optional[str]

Filter nodes by features. (Returns why a nodes should be filtered out, or None if it shoulded be.

_get_alloc_nodes(job) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Get the list of allocated nodes.


Return the configuration elements specific to this scheduler, along with a dictionary of validation functions and defaults.

The configuration elements will configurable under schedule.<plugin_name> in test configs, where <plugin_name> is the name argument passed to the plugin’s __init__ method. This should be a list of yaml_config ConfigElement instances. This additional configuration can have any structure you like, but should not repeat general schedule options.

The second return should be a dict of validators for those elements, the keys being the config element’s name. If a validator is not present, the value will not be added to the dict of validated config values for the scheduler to use. The values should be one of the following:

  • A tuple of all accepted values. Values not in this tuple are an error.
  • A function that takes the raw value (including None), and returns a validated/transformed result. Should raise ValueError for invalid input, and return None if no value was given.
  • A dictionary of additional validators to recursively evaluate. This is used when value is itself a dictionary.

The third returned value should be a dictionary of defaults for each key. Like with the validators, a dictionary can be used to store another level of defaults for when the config key represents a dictionary. Defaults are optional, but keys without a default will have a None value.

These will all be dynamically added and removed from the configuration setup in schedulers.config as plugins are added/removed. For examples, see the slurm plugin or the schedulers.config module itself.

_get_raw_node_data(sched_config) → Tuple[Optional[List[Any]], Any]

Use the scontrol show node command to collect data on nodes. Types are converted according to self.FIELD_TYPES.

_job_status(pav_cfg, job_info: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → pavilion.status_file.TestStatusInfo

Get the current status of the slurm job for the given test.

_kickoff(pav_cfg, job:, sched_config: dict) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Submit the kick off script using sbatch.

_scontrol_show(*args, timeout=10)

Run scontrol show and return the parsed output.

  • args (list(str)) – Additional args to scontrol.
  • timeout (int) – How long to wait for results.
_transform_raw_node_data(sched_config, node_data, extra) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Translate the gathered data into a NodeInfo dict.

cancel(job_info: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → Optional[str]

Scancel the job attached to the given test.

static compress_node_list(nodes: List[str])

Convert a list of nodes into an abbreviated node list that slurm should understand.

classmethod parse_node_list(node_list) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Convert a slurm format node list into a list of nodes, and throw errors that help the user identify their exact mistake.


Raw Variables

The raw scheduler uses the base SchedulerVariables class.

Raw Scheduler

class pavilion.schedulers.plugins.raw.Raw

Bases: pavilion.schedulers.basic.SchedulerPluginBasic

The Raw (local system) scheduler.


alias of RawKickoffHeader


alias of pavilion.schedulers.vars.SchedulerVariables

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset()

Scheduler plugin that is expected to be overriden by subclasses. The plugin will populate a set of expected ‘sched’ variables.

__module__ = 'pavilion.schedulers.plugins.raw'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_available() → bool

The raw scheduler is always available.

_get_alloc_node_info(node_name) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Return mem and cpu info for this host.

_get_alloc_nodes(job) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Return just the hostname of this host.

_job_status(pav_cfg, job_info: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → Optional[pavilion.status_file.TestStatusInfo]

Raw jobs will either be scheduled (waiting on a concurrency lock), or in an unknown state (as there aren’t records of dead jobs).

_kickoff(pav_cfg, job:, sched_config: dict) → NewType.<locals>.new_type

Run the kickoff script in a separate process. The job id a combination of the hostname and pid.

static _pid_running(job_info: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → bool

Verify that the test is running under the given pid. Note that this may change before, after, or during this call.

Returns:True - If the given pid is for the given test_id (False otherwise)

The raw scheduler is always available.

cancel(job_info: NewType.<locals>.new_type) → Union[None, str]

Try to kill the given job_id (if it is the right pid).