Status Files

Status Files

Every test run has a status file that tracks it’s progress. It’s one of the first things created (after the test directory itself) when creating a test object.

A test run will transition through several states (all available as part of the status_file.STATES object). These, along with a description and timestamp, are saved as a ‘state’ in the status file. Each state is a single line of the file with a max size of 4096 bytes to ensure atomic writes.

The state of a test run represents where that run is in its lifecycle. It does not represent whether a test passed or failed. States are ephemeral and asynchronous, and should generally not be used to decide to do something with a test run. (The only exception is the ‘SCHEDULED’ state, which tells Pavilion to ask the scheduler about its current state).


status_file = StatusFile('/tmp/mystatus')

status.set(STATES.RUNNING, "I'm running!")

state = status.current()

class pavilion.status_file.StatusFile(path)

Bases: object

The wraps the status file that is used in each test, and manages the creation, reading, and modification of that file.

NOTE: The status file does not perform any locking to ensure that it’s created in an atomic manner. It does, however, limit it’s writes to appends of a size such that those writes should be atomic.

LINE_MAX = 4096
LOGGER = <Logger pav./home/docs/checkouts/ (WARNING)>
NOTE_MAX = 4052
STATES = <pavilion.status_file.TestStatesStruct object>
TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
TS_LEN = 26

Return the most recent status object.

Return type:StatusInfo

Check if the given state is somewhere in the history of this status file.


Return a list of all statuses recorded.

Return type:list(StatusInfo)
set(state, note)

Set the status.

  • state – The current state.
  • note – A note about this particular instance of the state.
class pavilion.status_file.StatusInfo(state, note, when=None)

Bases: object

Represents a single status.

  • state (str) – A state string (from STATES).
  • note (str) – The note for this status update.
  • when (datetime) – A datetime object representing when this state was saved.

Convert to a dictionary.

Return type:dict
class pavilion.status_file.TestStatesStruct

Bases: object

A class containing the valid test state constants.


  • The value should be an ascii string of the constant name.
  • The constants have a max length of 15 characters.
  • The constants are in all caps.
  • The constants must be a valid python identifier that starts with a letter.
  • Error states should end in ‘_ERROR’. They should be the result of an OS level problem (like missing directories), or problems with Pavilion itself.
  • Failure states should end in ‘_FAILED’. They should be the result of trying something, and it just not succeeding.

Note: The states are written in the class as <state_name> = <help_text>, however, on class init the help text is stored separately, and the state value is set to the name of the state itself. So STATES.ENV_FAILED will have a value of ‘ENV_FAILED’ when used.

Known States:

ABORTED = "The test run was aborted, through no fault of it's own."
BUILDING = 'The test is currently being built.'
BUILD_CREATED = 'The builder for this build was created.'
BUILD_DEFERRED = 'The build will occur on nodes.'
BUILD_DONE = 'The build step has completed.'
BUILD_ERROR = 'An unexpected error occurred while setting up the build.'
BUILD_FAILED = 'The build has failed.'
BUILD_REUSED = 'The build was reused from a prior step.'
BUILD_TIMEOUT = 'The build has timed out.'
BUILD_WAIT = 'Waiting for the build lock.'
COMPLETE = 'For when the test is completely complete.'
CREATED = 'The test object/directory is being created.'
CREATION_ERROR = 'The test object/directory could not be created.'
ENV_FAILED = 'Unable to load the environment requested by the test.'
INFO = 'This is for logging information about a test, and can occurwithin any state.'
INVALID = 'The status given to set was invalid.'
PREPPING_RUN = 'Performing final (on node) steps before the test run.'
RESULTS = "For when we're getting the results."
RESULTS_ERROR = 'A result parser raised an error.'
RUNNING = "For when we're currently running the test."
RUN_DONE = 'For when the run step is complete.'
RUN_ERROR = 'An unexpected error has occurred when setting up the test run.'
RUN_TIMEOUT = 'The test run went long without any output.'
RUN_USER = 'Jobs can report extra status using pav set_status and this status value.'
SCHEDULED = 'The test has been scheduled with a scheduler.'
SCHED_CANCELLED = 'The job was cancelled.'
SCHED_ERROR = 'There was a scheduler related error.'
SKIPPED = 'The test has been skipped due to an invalid condition.'
UNKNOWN = "We can't determine the status."

Get the value of the status key.


Get the help string for a state.


List all the known state names.

max_length = 15

Make sure the key conforms to the above rules.

exception pavilion.status_file.TestStatusError

Bases: RuntimeError

Error raised by any status file related problems.