# This number should track progressive changes in this software, and correspond to git tags # denoting releases. It is entirely independent of the the Pavilion's VERSION. RELEASE=2.4 # Release History ## 2.5 Pre-release notes - In the 'modules' section of 'run' or 'build' in test configs, modules specified without a version no longer verify that the default was loaded. - Added the ability to configure module wrappers in test/host configs. - This breaks backwards compatibility with existing module wrapper plugins. The 'load()' method now takes an addtional, required 'name' argument. - Added the ability to extend lists via inheritance across all test configs. - Added `pav series sets` and `pav series cancel` commands. - `pav series history` is now `pav series `states`. - Added `-c` 'overrides' to `pav series run`, and an overrides section to the series config. - `pav cancel` no longer cancels series, just tests. - Series now only generate tests as needed, rather than all in advance, and handles test creation, build, and run errors gracefully. - The `SCHED_RUNNING` state is now `SCHED_STARTUP` - existing scheduler plugins that use `SCHED_RUNNING` should still work. - Added an '--all-passed' option to the results command - Added `pav log states` command, which lists all states a test has had. ## 2.4 Release Notes - Minimum supported python version is now 3.6 - All IO or Processor intensive parts of Pavilion have been made multi-threaded or multi-process, vastly speeding up many Pavilion operations. - Tests now have id's of the form '